Celebrity Quotes
"I am proud and humbled to have been part of such a special and healing day. To be with so many supporters and survivors was deeply inspiring."
Patrick Frias
President, Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego
“It’s just a great event and to be able to make these kids feel special and let them know that everyone’s in their court is a wonderful opportunity. It’s just a great day, really awesome.”
Matt Strahm
San Diego Padres, Pitcher
"A day I can’t miss. You know, everyone says “Oh, thank you for what you do for the kids,” come on, it’s thank you for what they do for me. It’s such a grounding experience that as long as I’m ambulatory, I will be here."
Paul Rudy
KUSI-TV, Sports Director
"Celebration of Champions is a unique way for us to meet face to face with those who we are working so hard to help."
Bhasker Shetty, Ph.D.
Pfizer, VP Worldwide R&D
Site Director, Pfizer La Jolla Laboratories
"My teammates and I look forward to attending the Celebration of Champions each year. It’s a blast to escort Celebrity Champions around the relay race at the Embarcadero and sign their t-shirts.”
Eric Hosmer
Padre First Baseman
"Celebration of champions is one of the most treasured events that the San Diego Padres are a part of. The players and I look forward to this event with compassion and emotion. It is truly one of our best days of the year."
Bud Black
Former Manager
San Diego Padres
"What makes this event different than other fund raisers? The children are the stars, the ones who are treated like the real winners they are."
Sasha Foo
San Diego Television Anchor-Reporter
"After this event you hug your kids a little tighter at night. The event helps to put things in perspective on how truly blessed we are to have our health. Being able to come out here and be a part of these kids' special day, to help brighten their smiles, is a great opportunity."
Trevor Hoffman
San Diego Padres Hall of Famer
“Such a terrific event. Heartwarming, heartbreaking at the same time. I love being here with the children.”
Steve Fiorina
ABC 10News, News Reporter
"I would urge any CEO, or head of a company, to give the Celebration of Champions a hard look. It's a great event which benefits children with cancer- sick children. They need help and we should step up."
Michael Morton
Founder, The Brigantine Family of Restaurants
"The Celebration of Champions event is a well-oiled machine/juggernaut of kindness and compassion that challenges and battles the following: "The words 'cancer' and 'kids' should never, ever appear in the same sentence."
John Soderman
San Diego Television Reporter